Building Restoration Services


Brand Design

Type Design


Building Restoration Services (BRS) is a mid-sized building restoration firm based out out of Boston, MA. To keep up with the times and competition, BRS and I worked together to take their existing brand and modernize it to still feel reminiscent of the old but informed by today. The big additions were a refined color palette, a redrawn secondary mark, the addition of a full wordmark, and redesigned website.

Building Restoration Services


Brand Design

Type Design


Building Restoration Services (BRS) is a mid-sized building restoration firm based out out of Boston, MA. To keep up with the times and competition, BRS and I worked together to take their existing brand and modernize it to still feel reminiscent of the old but informed by today. The big additions were a refined color palette, a redrawn secondary mark, the addition of a full wordmark, and redesigned website.